Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I won't be blogging...

I have been going through a few of the blogs perched on the left of this page and I decided, "What the hell am I doing here?" "I don't belong here!" The sheer amount of intellectual and thoughtful writing that goes along far outweighs the sad mush and depressives I have been trying to dish out. That is why I have decided, this ain't for me. There are so many other bloggers who post better than me, more frequently than me and definitely write more sense than me. What is the point of it all? Who would read my absolutely irrelevant blog anyway? Duh! I highly apologise to any person who have had the sad sense of anticipating my works. Sorry people, accept it, you have bad taste!

Furthermore, if you really wanna read good writings, visit all the blogs on the left of the screen. All of them are worth a read, especially Brinda's, Rajarshi's, Bedatri's and Darshana's.



little boxes said...

thanks for that
but i dont agree with your post...
you dont blog for people,but for yourself...
you blog because you want to and not because the others do it too!
you blog what you think and believe not compare it with what others think and believe...
your blog is who you are...and you are different!
keep that in mend...gogzz!!

little boxes said...

*mind...i meant!

Achluophobia said...

ah well that duznt stop me from having an inferiirity complex duz it now?

Rajarshi said...

yeah as if! get back to your writing rijoy!

little boxes said...

inferiority complex???bull!
you write for yourself...why the heck do you compare who's better and who's not!

Achluophobia said...

Coz otherwise, ppl dont go to other's blogs.

little boxes said...

look you cant keep good stuff hidden for long...they will when they find out!

dreamy said...

achha listen,I have been reading your blog for some time now...you cant stop writing just like that,just because you "feel" you are not good enough!
I read blogs,without much of commenting...Am sure there are other ppl who do the same...you cant stop writing..really!

Suswagata said...

u bugger.u better not stop blogging!

storyteller said...

you should not give up blogging for anything,its your space...your voice,eventhough that might sound melodramatic...n btw,please donot be so modest,everyone enjoys reading your blog.