Friday, June 22, 2007

Act Of God



"How was your day? Mine was bad. Ma was crying today."

"Don't worry, it's ok, it will be alright! I am God, I will help you."

"You are God? Really, you're MAD! And you are a pompous assole..."

"...and I am God...."

"Oh no, you are high, aren't you?"

Yes, yes he was high. As usual, his sense of vision was blurred, the marijuana hits the bloodstream fast. Makes you see things that you never get to see. Makes you wanna touch the sky when you are way down there on the ground anyway. He writhed on his bed, like a snake, talking gibberish.

"So Mr. God, I am going away, what do you have to say about that?"

"God will help you stay here. He will give you the wings to come back to him over and over again. Ask God and he will give you anything he wants."

"What the hell? What are you talking about? Here I am trying get it into your head that I am going away in three days and you go on talking crap! Really!"

"Don't worry, I am God. I will help you"

"Ya, ya, I am going to sleep."

"Ya, am sure God loves you."

"Really? You love me?"

"Ya. God loves everybody."

"UFFFF. I am hanging up."

"You dare hang up on God?"

The engaged tone said that she did dare hang up on God.


little boxes said...
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little boxes said...

i loved it...specially the end comes as a surprise coz all along i thought you were writing about a boy!

little boxes said...

umm your 11th line says its a "he"

Achluophobia said...

it is a he.

Sreyasi said...

...thank u god for everything.

Suswagata said...

u were god....n i experienced time dialation that time!!!
our weed rocks!

little boxes said...

then change the last line....its says "she"

little boxes said...

oh ok i get it now...
"says a lot",as you say!